Friday, 29 March 2013

Fantasies and Beliefs

"Isn't it enough to see that a garden is beautiful without having to believe that there are fairies at the bottom of it too?"

These are the lines on the first page of Richard Dawkins famous book ‘The God Delusion’. Let me ask you a question how many of you have seen a real fairy? Well most of us haven’t and they will also say even that they do not believe in them. But don’t you think life would have been interesting if fairies, pixies, ghouls, ogres and monsters existed what if trees and animals talked and we could fly. You will think that all such things are insane as practically it never happens. But during our childhood days we were so found of fairy tales and fantasy stories. Even today in the deepest corner of our heart a small kid exists who always refuses to believe that fairies do not exist. We know that fairies do not exist but we want to believe that they exist. Remember the movie enchanted and its concluding song-  

“Story books ending with fairy tales coming true                                                                        
 deep down inside we want to believe that they still do”

I know that I haven’t seen such thing but I always want to believe that fairies are born when the baby laughs for the first time and they protect them from all type of evil forces. Times have changed and now the Man has started questioning the supremacy of God and even his existence. If you will ask me I would say that I am a believer but it is also true that I rarely go to temples. We must keep god in our heart and soul and not just in idols. God loves those who unconditionally love him and not those who fear him. We all must become God loving men not God fearing men.
Personally I hate those people who pray to God in order to get something or to fulfill their wishes. God is not a shopkeeper who would grant us our wishes if we offer prayer to him. Even the Bhagvat says that that the bond love between God and devotee breaks the moment the devotee demands something in return of his prayers. Prayers should be offered to show affection to the almighty. Lord has created us he loves us and he takes care of us he would always be there to take care of us as he had send us to this mortal world for some purpose.
Don’t you think that even the idea that god will grant us our wishes if we pray to him is a sin. Wont God be deeply hurt when he sees people not loving him and praying him just to fulfill their selfish concerns. Only the Satan would be happy if people come trembling to him and start worshiping him out of fear.

Friday, 22 March 2013

The Social Venom

“While you snigger over shiela ki jawani the whole nation thinks this law will make their daughters safer”
These where the words of Suprieya Sule NCP MP on the anti –rape bill. You may take it in any sense but let me tell you no law can change the current scenario until the society changes or the cultural pollution of the society is stopped. Our liberal friends might say that songs and movies are just for entertainment and this lady has gone out of her mind relating songs with crimes like rape. Well it is not about songs and movies its about the poison of fickle thinking, vulgarity, cultural pollution and insanity being injected through all the pores of our society. Whether you take films, songs, videos, news, advertisements or even the modern literature all use sex as bait to attract audiences and readers.
Our great great author of young India Chetan Bhagat is said to have taught youngsters of India to read literature. Some people say he has done a great job but I say he should have not done this because its better not to read anything than to read pornographic literature. You take any of his trashes he used sex and vulgar romances for promotion of his books. Some of my friends call him a great author but don’t you think digging out mud from mud is easier than mining gold from the same soil. This is the reason because the books of good authors are difficult to understand as most of the youngsters do not have that level of intellect. I advise the people the people who consider such literary pimps great authors to go through the works of Marx, Lenin, Sen, Rushiddi, Roy you will come to know what greatness actually means. Pimps of literature like bhagat are only polluting the literature.
Well don’t you think there may be some problem lying within the society also as very few youngsters are reading books of Rushiddi, Sen and Marx and the market is flooded with the books of corrupted and pornographic literature. Is chetan bhagat corrupting the Indian society or he is bound to include sex in his books because of the twisted mindset of the youngsters who always have sex in their mind (boys and girls). Maybe these authors are making a fortune just because of the fickle mindset of the society.
Coming to the favorite time pass of the Indian society. There is minimal respect for art and realistic movies in our society and also within the Bollywood. Sending the movie “Barfi” for Oscars instead of “Paan Singh Tomar” and “Gangs of Wasseypus” is the best example. Ok leave all this the insane nature of our Indian society can be best cited with the example that when porn star Sunny Leone came to india to participate in a reality show she became an instant hit. Even in my college there was a sudden increase in the demand of her porn movies. She was on every news channel as if she was the daughter of nation. Even a person getting Noble Prize wont receive this much attention from media ( I am talking about private news channels ) . only her name was enough for the publicity of a low budget movie Jism 2 amd make it a box office success even though there was absolutely no story line no star cast  no fancy locations and just random sex scenes the whole movie seemed to be shot in a farm house. But people watched this movie just because Sunny Leone no no no  no not Sunny Leone but a porn star was there in the film. This is the mindset of our coming generation who is either corrupted by the poison injected by the west or it was already corrupted.  They should have watched the porn videos of Leone instead of wasting money in multiplexes.
 Don’t you think it is the detonation of the society that last year the three most searched names on Google in India where Sunny Leone, Veena Malik and Poonam Pandey. How can our daughters and sisters be safe in such society which is so sick and insane? When I talk about society its about both males and females as these goddesses whom the Indians are searching on internet did not came from Mars they belong to the other half of society called as the fair sex and are just making a fortune out of the sex starved Indian society. And the media is doing everything to promote these ladies. In Mein Kamp Hitler quoted that it takes less than a week for the media to make absolutely irrelevant incident a national news while really genuine and important topics are deliberately sidelined. Just go through any news channel and you will find all the news except news of national importance. These news channels are flooded with news of films, gossips, fashion shows, reality shows, daily soaps. News of murder and rape are given special privilege and shown in such a way as if it’s some kind of entertainment.
Before seeing such trash on the private news channels just ask yourself how the nation was affected from this news or such news is of any use to you. Do you listen or watch or read news for entertainment? What I think news is to make us aware about what is happening in the society and develop our intellect. These companies run their channels like a drama company whose only purpose is to serve entertainment they are telecasting news of rape, murder and wardrobe malfunction as fun while matters of national and social concern are given least importance.
But let us see the other side don’t you think if they are showing vulgarity then we are equally participating into it by seeing it we are always ready to tune to the irresponsible news channels than watching channels like DD News, Loksabha TV, Rajyasabha TV, BBC or CNN. How many of you see these news channels? No will be the answer of most of my friends. They don’t see it because such channels show only news and also most of us don’t have that intellect to understand what debate is going on these channels as understanding film gossips and rape is more easy for us than to understand the analysis of union budget or anti rape law.
Well I think the debate is endless but it is we who can save our society from corruption and cultural pollution. It is we who have to take a stand to stop the venom of immorality which is being injected into the society through various social media. Watching porn is not bad but we do not have to be carried away by our emotions consider it just an entertainment see and forget. Also we should read good literature see good movies and always be in the touch of what’s going on in the world. We have to become educated and aware and not just graduates with degrees. We should develop an intellect and power to analyze any situation and not just blindly believe what the government or media tells us. We are the future of the world.                   

Saturday, 16 March 2013

Maoism a Solution

Some where I read these lines “If the world doesn’t accepts you make a world of your own.” I think its very true and the maoist revolutionaries are doing the very same thing since their people are considered misfit and outcast in the so called civilized society. Then why the government is burning down their villages and wants to evacuate their lands? The jungles the river and the land are enough for these original people of  India to earn their livelihood then why should they be displaced from their very own lands just because a government chosen by completely unaware masses wants some multinational giant to conduct mining activity on these lands. These authentic people of India who constitute 8% of the total Indian population do not need lessons of civilizations and manners from these MNCs they can give them nothing except slavery in disguise. In a system which is of the rich for the rich by the rich what benefit these tribal get after Some where I read these lines “If the world doesn’t accepts you make a world of your own.” I think its very true and the maoist revolutionaries are doing the very same thing since their people are considered misfit and outcast in the so called civilized society. Then why the government is burning down their villages and wants to evacuate their lands? The jungles the river and the land are enough for these original people of  India to earn their livelihood then why should they be displaced from their very own lands just because a government chosen by completely unaware masses wants some multinational giant to conduct mining activity on these lands. These authentic people of India who constitute 8% of the total Indian population do not need lessons of civilizations and manners from these MNCs they can give them nothing except slavery in disguise. In a system which is of the rich for the rich by the rich what benefit these tribal get after loosing their land, villages and jungle and with them the only source of income they have known since hundreds of years just promises of rupees, home and jobs. But in reality they get nothing instead of social humility. After losing all the sources of their livelihood many of them are forced to migrate to the urban jungles of Delhi, Mumbai¸ Noida where they have to face the same public humility. I think most of you must remember the Nithari killings. The accuse raped and killed more than fifty children and young girls of such wage labours within a period of almost four years and not even a single FIR was lodged the reason is simple this system is not for the poorest of the poor. And when the case was exposed the owner of the house and the main accuse Moninder Singh was set free and and all the blame was set on his servant Surinder Koli (Please note the owner of the house didn’t knew his servant has done almost fifty killings in his house). From the Marxist point of view you can say it was the children of poor class being killed and the Koli belonging to the same class being booked for these killings and the man of bourgeois class walking away free. When the 23 years old medical student was raped and killed in South Delhi it became a national news within three days as if it was the only rape of Independent India. Just a day before a girl was set on fire because she refused to take back the FIR of her rape this news didn’t get much attention because this girl belonged to poor rural community of some village in Haryana. When the main accuse of the nirbhaya rape case killed himself many of my friends were overwhelmed with joy as if his death has put a full stop on crime against women. These civilized so called women’s emancipators to me behaved as psychopaths who enjoyed the death of someone. One question I would like to ask each of you why we see that a problem like rape murder and terrorism exists in the country when something happens to the elite class just because this system has turned the working class into commodity to generate income. Well we deviated from the topic as I am not here to talk about gender inequality through these examples I wanted to show you the huge economic disparity prevailing in the society. This state is a mechanism of oppression which is in the hands of the ruling class and is used to oppress the working class. This class does not considers the workers as humans but as capital generating commodity. Half of the country is living below poverty line and nearly two third of the assets are controlled by a handful of business families. Yes India is shining but only for these capitalists. They are killing the very soul of the nation the villagers and the tribal. They are depriving the poor the right to live. The villages are being burned and forests are being cleared so that these business houses can cash the mineral deposits lying beneath these lands. What is wrong if these people have taken up arms to protest against such exploitation even its our fundamental right (right to protest against exploitation). They are not terrorist they are Maoist revolutionaries following the Marxist ideology and merely fighting to save the interests of these poorest of the poor. According to Mao revolution doesn’t comes by asking for permission it is not a dinner party revolution is an act of violence in which one class overthrows the other. With just a handful of capitalists oppressing the working class since ages the proletariats can’t bear it any more. We need a new system and not a new government.       

The Holy Ghost and Freedom Struggle

           15th Aug 1947 - how many of you believe this was a glorious day in the history of India? Well most of us think like that because we are made to think like that. For me and many of my Bolshevik friends it was yet another miserable day in the history of India. It was miserable because of many reasons firstly India was divided into India and Pakistan with disputed borders which resulted into Kashmir problem. Secondly a civil war broke out within the nation which was the aftermath of partition killing more than five thousand people (our great leaders accepted partition in order to avoid civil war but instead they got both). Third and the most important point is that no changes occurred in the structure of the state just the power of the state was transferred from an imperialistic colonial government to the higher/ruling class of Indian society or the bourgeois society of India. As Lenin has said state is an instrument of oppression of one class by the other. The British Raj was one such instrument which used its power for the oppression of working class or the proletariats by the imperialistic powers. When the same machinery was handed over to the higher class of India they made minimal changes into it in order to use for the oppression of working class. Most of these so called liberators of the country who claimed to be fighting for the poorest of the poor where born in high class of India and even did not had the stomach to carry on the struggle. If anyone was the hero of independence movement it was the common man of India who was deceived every time in such movements whether you take Non Cooperation, Civil Disobedience or Quit India. The people fought every time with everything they had but these great leaders always cheated them. During the non-cooperation movement the Holy Ghost said do not go to schools, quit jobs and do not pay taxes and then bear the consequences on your own account then what right he had to call off the movement. In 1942 Quit India movement was started the masses where told “Do or Die” was it a joke did the Holy Ghost had any action plan other than just starting the movement and then quietly going to jail.
           One thing I would like to ask each one of you did you ever wondered why Britishers left India in 1947 when the Quit India movement was badly crushed within three months. Our father of nation took retirement from active politics after the movement then what happened that Britishers left the country. Believe me they could have ruled us for another 150 years if the world war had not taken place resulting in dramatic changes in the world scenario. There were many reasons which resulted in the so called liberalization of this country besides Quit India movement and the great sacrifices of Gandhi and Nehru. Some important reasons are resistance of Indian masses against the Raj and education and awareness of the Indian youths made it difficult for the government to administer the country. India was being represented on world platform by people like Rabindranath Tagore, S N Bose, CV Raman etc hence the world came to know about the culture and heritage of India. The Britishers had already exploited too much natural resources from India. The Pakistan movement lead by Jinnah was getting stronger leading to a chaotic scenario which the Britishers didn’t wanted to indulge in as a civil war like situation was being created because of it. Europe itself was going through a very chaotic situation as it was the time of Second World War. United Nations was formed just after Second World War and US emerged as a superpower of capitalist nations. Both UN and US had anti-colonial policies. In the post-World War elections Conservative party was defeated and the anti-colonial Labour Party lead by Clement Atlee took control UK. This new government was more interested in development of the country rather than maintaining colonies. Lastly formation of INA by Subhash Chandra Bose motivated other Indian soldiers of British army to join the freedom struggle.                                                                                    
            So are these points enough for you to believe that it wasn’t just the quit India movement or some holy ghost or someone born with silver spoon in his mouth that liberated us it was we the masses and most importantly the situations in UK and Europe that ultimately gave us the so called independence i.e. transfer of power from a colonial government to bourgeois class of India. At last I would like to thank Adolf Hitler for taking a stand and without whom it couldn’t be done.

Maoism in India

Andhra Government is getting helicopters to track down Maoist activity in the state. They want to kill the Maoist movement in the state but what they don’t understand is that as long as injustice and economic inequality will prevail inside our country the left wing extremism cannot die. Yes the left block has lost its fire but it is not dead as Marxism is an idea and ideas are bulletproof.
We are always ready to take a count of how many people Maoists have killed but why we ignore the number of people killed and rendered homeless and occupation less by the large capitalistic business houses. Why we consider that everything is ok inside this capitalistic society. We have blindfolded ourselves in order to deny us from seeing the monster of capitalistic world ready to engulf our economy, our land our culture and even our free will of thinking and taking decision.
The distribution of assets in our country is shocking with top 5% of households possessing 38% of the total assets and bottom 60% of the households possessing merely 13% of the total assets of the country.
  This economic disparity is widening day by day in our country. The Maoists are merely fighting to protect their people, their land, their forests and their lands from these capitalistic business houses. It is a revolution and revolution can’t be carried out by asking for permission.
Marx once quoted “one capitalist kills many”. The grey hounds can kill the Maoist revolutionaries but they can’t kill the spirit of the movement as long as this huge economic gap exists between the rich and the poor. The Marxist- Leninist- Maoist shows us the way to a bright future a perfect society which is classless casteless and money less – Perfectly a Heaven.
At last I would like to conclude that air surveillance and giving more teeth to the grey hounds will not end the left block extremism it will end on that day when there is no one rich and no one poor inside our country when our minds are free from the clutches of foreign brands and blind show off when we have an authentic thinking and opinion when the poor is also considered as a human and not just a vote bank and will have right to live.