Friday, 22 March 2013

The Social Venom

“While you snigger over shiela ki jawani the whole nation thinks this law will make their daughters safer”
These where the words of Suprieya Sule NCP MP on the anti –rape bill. You may take it in any sense but let me tell you no law can change the current scenario until the society changes or the cultural pollution of the society is stopped. Our liberal friends might say that songs and movies are just for entertainment and this lady has gone out of her mind relating songs with crimes like rape. Well it is not about songs and movies its about the poison of fickle thinking, vulgarity, cultural pollution and insanity being injected through all the pores of our society. Whether you take films, songs, videos, news, advertisements or even the modern literature all use sex as bait to attract audiences and readers.
Our great great author of young India Chetan Bhagat is said to have taught youngsters of India to read literature. Some people say he has done a great job but I say he should have not done this because its better not to read anything than to read pornographic literature. You take any of his trashes he used sex and vulgar romances for promotion of his books. Some of my friends call him a great author but don’t you think digging out mud from mud is easier than mining gold from the same soil. This is the reason because the books of good authors are difficult to understand as most of the youngsters do not have that level of intellect. I advise the people the people who consider such literary pimps great authors to go through the works of Marx, Lenin, Sen, Rushiddi, Roy you will come to know what greatness actually means. Pimps of literature like bhagat are only polluting the literature.
Well don’t you think there may be some problem lying within the society also as very few youngsters are reading books of Rushiddi, Sen and Marx and the market is flooded with the books of corrupted and pornographic literature. Is chetan bhagat corrupting the Indian society or he is bound to include sex in his books because of the twisted mindset of the youngsters who always have sex in their mind (boys and girls). Maybe these authors are making a fortune just because of the fickle mindset of the society.
Coming to the favorite time pass of the Indian society. There is minimal respect for art and realistic movies in our society and also within the Bollywood. Sending the movie “Barfi” for Oscars instead of “Paan Singh Tomar” and “Gangs of Wasseypus” is the best example. Ok leave all this the insane nature of our Indian society can be best cited with the example that when porn star Sunny Leone came to india to participate in a reality show she became an instant hit. Even in my college there was a sudden increase in the demand of her porn movies. She was on every news channel as if she was the daughter of nation. Even a person getting Noble Prize wont receive this much attention from media ( I am talking about private news channels ) . only her name was enough for the publicity of a low budget movie Jism 2 amd make it a box office success even though there was absolutely no story line no star cast  no fancy locations and just random sex scenes the whole movie seemed to be shot in a farm house. But people watched this movie just because Sunny Leone no no no  no not Sunny Leone but a porn star was there in the film. This is the mindset of our coming generation who is either corrupted by the poison injected by the west or it was already corrupted.  They should have watched the porn videos of Leone instead of wasting money in multiplexes.
 Don’t you think it is the detonation of the society that last year the three most searched names on Google in India where Sunny Leone, Veena Malik and Poonam Pandey. How can our daughters and sisters be safe in such society which is so sick and insane? When I talk about society its about both males and females as these goddesses whom the Indians are searching on internet did not came from Mars they belong to the other half of society called as the fair sex and are just making a fortune out of the sex starved Indian society. And the media is doing everything to promote these ladies. In Mein Kamp Hitler quoted that it takes less than a week for the media to make absolutely irrelevant incident a national news while really genuine and important topics are deliberately sidelined. Just go through any news channel and you will find all the news except news of national importance. These news channels are flooded with news of films, gossips, fashion shows, reality shows, daily soaps. News of murder and rape are given special privilege and shown in such a way as if it’s some kind of entertainment.
Before seeing such trash on the private news channels just ask yourself how the nation was affected from this news or such news is of any use to you. Do you listen or watch or read news for entertainment? What I think news is to make us aware about what is happening in the society and develop our intellect. These companies run their channels like a drama company whose only purpose is to serve entertainment they are telecasting news of rape, murder and wardrobe malfunction as fun while matters of national and social concern are given least importance.
But let us see the other side don’t you think if they are showing vulgarity then we are equally participating into it by seeing it we are always ready to tune to the irresponsible news channels than watching channels like DD News, Loksabha TV, Rajyasabha TV, BBC or CNN. How many of you see these news channels? No will be the answer of most of my friends. They don’t see it because such channels show only news and also most of us don’t have that intellect to understand what debate is going on these channels as understanding film gossips and rape is more easy for us than to understand the analysis of union budget or anti rape law.
Well I think the debate is endless but it is we who can save our society from corruption and cultural pollution. It is we who have to take a stand to stop the venom of immorality which is being injected into the society through various social media. Watching porn is not bad but we do not have to be carried away by our emotions consider it just an entertainment see and forget. Also we should read good literature see good movies and always be in the touch of what’s going on in the world. We have to become educated and aware and not just graduates with degrees. We should develop an intellect and power to analyze any situation and not just blindly believe what the government or media tells us. We are the future of the world.                   

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